Hey there.
If you’ve known me at all, you know that I’ve had a number of failed projects, a website, a vlog, a tik tok, multiple relationships, learning guitar, etc. In fact I think the only things I’ve succeeded in thus far are college (barely), friendship (I’m an incredible friend), my faith, and family. And now that I’m listing things, those last things feel more important than the failed things, so what started out as a post of self-pity actually made me feel really good about myself. Go me!
That’s all to say that it took a lot of getting over shame in order to be here writing today. I’m here to start a new venture and I hope you’ll join with me in believing in myself.
So what’s coming?
Unclear, but here’s what I’m thinking:
I’d like to send out a post once a week on my thoughts on politics and culture and another once a week on what I’m learning about God and how it intersects with my life. I’m thinking those will be two newsletters if that’s possible. I think it is, but I’m new to this. In the non-religious newsletter, I’d also like to include periodic recommendations of articles, books, movies, tv shows, just recommendations of anything I love. So look out for that. Topics and timing may vary, I’m trying not to hold myself to anything, except doing it. I’m also planning on begging some of my more interesting friends and colleagues and acquaintances to write on here and hopefully there will be something and some viewpoint that appeals to everyone.
And why do it? If I keep failing, why keep trying? Because I really want to. I’m drawn to this type of thing and it’s time I indulged.
Oh and I’m launching a podcast this year with one of my best friends. I don’t know if we’re quite sure what it’ll be, but it should be funny (we are) and I’ll share it on here and I’m sure you’ll be able to subscribe to it on podcast networks.
Anyways, there’s stuff coming down the pike. And I think there’s going to be something for everyone.
But regardless, I love the substack medium, so if you’re interested in what I’m doing and thinking, this is the way to interact with me. I don’t believe in social media.
~ DJ